About time I got back to this tiny space :)

My last post on this blog was 3 years ago. Today I spent time reading all those previous posts of mine and had an embarrassing laugh at myself. Over these 3 years I have been meaning to write but then people say when you grow up you lose that innocent willingness to try everything and put yourself out there without being conscious. That, I would like to believe is what happened to me apart from being lazy in the veil of work.

Over the last 3 years, I completed my Bachelors in Economics, worked for a year and got back to studying Economics for a Masters. What prompted me to want to write again is that I have evolved to become a highly opinionated person and there is only so much one can express in “140 characters” or on Facebook. I want to use this space I always had  to ramble on a lot of things life and education in particular have taught me.

Studying Economics has changed my life. From being a quiet, lazy girl to a slightly confident, strongly opinionated woman, this journey has a lot to do with what I studied. I have a heavy inclination to build  a career in Development studies but this by no means should classify me as a socialist( I’am not quite there yet, I heavily believe in Capitalism for Development). Over the years I have also turned out to be  slightly feminist and it is only obvious to happen considering I study courses like Gender Economics. This course has intrigued my curiosity to such a new level that a lot of my posts will be along these lines for as long as this latest fad lasts 😛

It is so good to be writing again! Keep checking in!

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